Jakarta – Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Drs. Rudy Sufahriadi dipercaya Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga Republik Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo untuk menempati salah satu posisi Jabatan Tinggi Madya di Lingkungan Kemenpora. Yakni sebagai Deputi Bidang Pembudayaan Olahraga Kemenpora menggantikan Raden Isnanta.
Hal itu tertuang dalam Berita Acara Pengambilan Sumpah Jabatan Pegawai Negeri Sipil, Nomor: KP.03.00/9.11.3/MENPORA/IX/2023 tanggal 11 September 2023 di Wisma Menpora, Kantor Kemenpora, Senayan, Jakarta, Senin (11/9/23).
Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Rudy Sufahriadi sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Utama Lembaga Ketahanan Polri dan telah resmi menyandang pangkat Jenderal Bintang Tiga. Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Rudy Sufahriadi lahir pada 23 Agustus 1965, telah memulai karier di dunia kepolisian sejak lulus dari Akademi Kepolisian pada tahun 1988.
Saat ini Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Rudy Sufahriadi dipercaya Menpora Dito sebagai salah satu deputi bidang keolahragaan usai menandatangani Pakta Integritas untuk memperkuat kinerja Kemenpora khususnya di bidang keolahragaan.
“Bahwa saya dalam menjalankan tugas jabatan, akan menjunjung etika jabatan, bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya dan penuh tanggung jawab. Akan menjaga integritas tidak menyalahgunakan kewenangan serta menghindarkan diri dari perbuatan tercela,” ujar Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Drs. Rudy Sufahriadi dalam pengambilan sumpah jabatannya.
Menpora Dito juga berpesan untuk dapat meningkatkan prestasi bidang pemuda dan olahraga serta mempertahankan, meningkatkan reformasi birokrasi Kemenpora hingga perkuat koordinasi, sinkronisasi kementerian/lembaga terkait.
“Selain dari akselerasi pencapaian bidang pemuda dan olahraga, kita juga memiliki PR yang cukup menantang untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kualitas reformasi birokrasi Kemenpora baik yang bersifat general maupun tematik. Sehingga apa yang kita lakukan dapat berdampak kepada masyarakat,” jelas Menpora Dito.
“Butuh kerja sama, kekompakan antar unit dan antar kedeputian dalam menjalankan pelaksanaan program kegiatan agar lebih bersinergi agar tidak berjalan sendiri-sendiri. Harus melakukan manajemen risiko dan mitigasi setiap kemungkinan risiko kegagalan, kesalahan, kerugian dalam menjalankan program kegiatan. Mari jalin sinergi dan kolaborasi yang baik dalam menjalankan tugas-tugas ini,” katanya.(Redaksiswanara)
Excellent write-up
Outstanding feature
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Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.
Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.
Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.
You look fresher than a $15 salad. Your vibrant energy and radiant appearance are truly remarkable. Like a gourmet salad bursting with crisp, colorful ingredients, you exude health, vitality, and zest for life. Your presence is refreshing and invigorating, brightening up any room you enter.
Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.
Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.
How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.
Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.
Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.
Get the fire department on the phone…we have a hottie alert! Your stunning appearance is causing quite a stir! Your confidence and charisma are truly magnetic, drawing admiration from everyone around you. Like a blazing fire, your presence is impossible to ignore, lighting up the room with your undeniable charm and allure.
Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.
You look fresher than a $15 salad. Your vibrant energy and radiant appearance are truly remarkable. Like a gourmet salad bursting with crisp, colorful ingredients, you exude health, vitality, and zest for life. Your presence is refreshing and invigorating, brightening up any room you enter.
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Your smile is enough to make anyone’s day. It’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, instantly lifting spirits and spreading warmth. Your genuine happiness is contagious, and it reminds everyone who sees it of the simple joys in life. Keep shining that radiant smile!
You look fresher than a $15 salad. Your vibrant energy and radiant appearance are truly remarkable. Like a gourmet salad bursting with crisp, colorful ingredients, you exude health, vitality, and zest for life. Your presence is refreshing and invigorating, brightening up any room you enter.
How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.