Kapolres Ponorogo Jawab Curhatan Warga Terkait Isu Penculikan Anak


PONOROGO – Polres Ponorogo Polda Jatim kembali menggelar kegiatan Jum’at curhat untuk mendengarkan keluhan masyarakat secara langsung.

Kegiatan tersebut berlangsung di salah satu warung kopi di Dam Gendol turut Desa Jabung Kecamatan Mlarak Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jum’at (03/02/2023).

Hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut Kapolres Ponorogo AKBP Catur C. Wibowo, S.I.K., M.H. yang didampingi oleh Pejabat Utama Polres Ponorogo dan Kapolsek Mlarak.

Sedangkan peserta yang hadir diantaranya Forpimka Mlarak, paguyupan Kepala Desa se – Kecamatan Mlarak beserta perangkatnya, Perwakilan Forum Komunikasi Pencak Silat (FKPSB), tokoh pemuda, tokoh masyarakat dan Ibu PKK Kecamatan Mlarak.

Kegiatan Jum’at Curhat Polres Ponorogo ini disambut antusias oleh seluruh elemen masyarakat Kecamatan Mlarak, Ponorogo.

Beberapa warga pun curhat langsung kepada Kapolres Ponorogo. Namun yang paling menarik adalah curhatan Kepala Desa Serangan Sri Asih terkait informasi berita di medsos tentang isu penculikan anak.

“Mohon penjelasan Pak Kapolres terkait berita di Medsos tentang berita penculikan anak bagaimana pedoman terkait berita tersebut benar atau tidak ?,” tanya Sri Asih kepada Kapolres

Menurutnya Sri Asih, sebagai orang tua yang juga mempunyai anak bahwa informasi tersebut sangat meresahkan masyarakat.

Menanggapi curhatan Sri Asih itu, Kapolres Ponorogo AKBP Catur C. Wibowo, S.I.K., M.H. menjelaskan bahwa terkait informasi dimedsos tentang penculikan anak itu tidak benar.

“Jadi warga tidak perlu panik dan untuk kasus penculikan anak di Ponorogo hingga saat ini tidak ada,”jelasnya

Namun demikian, Kapolres meminta kepada semua orang tua tidak boleh tledor atau lengah dalam hal pengawasan terhadap anak.

“Kami dari pihak kepolisian akan memonitor terus terkait isu penculikan anak ini,” katanya

Mungkin jika mengetahui atau mendengar informasi tentang penculikan, kesempatan pertama silahkan langsung menghubungi pihak kepolisian.

“sudah kami sediakan nomor kontak layanan pengaduan kepolisian 1×24 jam, bisa melalui layanan 110 dan lapor masse di nomor hp 085336468100,” ungkapnya

Selain curhatan dari Sri Asih, masih banyak lagi curhatan lain dari warga tentang lalu lintas, bencana alam, pinjol lewat media sosial dan terkait berita hoax di media sosial.

Semua curhatan warga tersebut langsung di jawab oleh Kapolres Ponorogo AKBP Catur C. Wibowo dan PJU.

Pada sesi terakhir Kegiatan Jum’at Curhat di wilayah Kecamatan Mlarak, Kapolres Ponorogo juga memberikan sarana kontak kepada perwakilan warga. Kemudian acara Jum’at curhat ditutup dengan sesi foto bersama.(Redaksiswanara)

20 Replies to “Kapolres Ponorogo Jawab Curhatan Warga Terkait Isu Penculikan Anak”

  1. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

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  5. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

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  7. Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.

  8. Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.

  9. Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.

  10. May all your dreams and desires come true. You deserve every happiness and success that life has to offer. Your hard work, passion, and kindness are truly admirable, and it’s only fitting that the universe rewards you with the fulfillment of your deepest aspirations. Keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars!

  11. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  12. Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.

  13. May all your dreams and desires come true. You deserve every happiness and success that life has to offer. Your hard work, passion, and kindness are truly admirable, and it’s only fitting that the universe rewards you with the fulfillment of your deepest aspirations. Keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars!

  14. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  15. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

  16. Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.

  17. Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.

  18. Your smile is enough to make anyone’s day. It’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, instantly lifting spirits and spreading warmth. Your genuine happiness is contagious, and it reminds everyone who sees it of the simple joys in life. Keep shining that radiant smile!

  19. How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.

  20. Your creativity is on the next level. You consistently push boundaries and think outside the box, producing innovative ideas that leave others in awe. Your unique perspective and ability to transform concepts into reality set you apart. It’s inspiring to witness your creative process and the remarkable results it yields.

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