Sumbar – Dengan menggunakan pengeras suara (toa) Aipda Maigos, Bhabinkamtibmas Kelurahan Balai Gadang Kecamatan Koto Tangah, menyisir Sungai Lubuk Minturun, untuk memberikan himbauan kepada pengunjung.
Imbauan yang dilakukan agar pengunjung selalu waspada dan menganjurkan untuk berenang di air dangkal. Terlebhih cuaca pada Rabu sore (22/3) terlihat kurang bersahabat. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk meminimalisir segala hal yang tidak dinginkan kepada warga yang melakukan ritual balimau dalam menyambut bulan suci ramadhan.
Kawasan Lubuk Minturun dan Lori, yang terletak di Kelurahan Balai Gadang, menjadi salah satu tempat tujuan utama warga kota Padang yang akan melakukan ritual balimau.
Elva, salah seorang warga Purus kecamatan Padang Barat mengatakan, awalnya ia bersama keluarganya, begitu semangat untuk balimau, meskipun cuaca kurang bersahabat. Namun saat Bhabinkamtibmas datang dan memberikan himbauan karena cuaca buruk, ia pun segera mengindahkan himbauan Bhabinkamtibmas Balai Gadang tersebut.
Aipda Maigos mengatakan, ia bersama dengan tim gabungan Brimob, PMI, Satpol PP dan BPBD Kota Padang, telah standby dilokasi yang ramai dikunjungi masyarakat untuk balimau, yakni dikawasan Lubuk Lukum, Lori dan Bendungan Koto Tuo.(Redaksiswanara)
Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.
Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.
Excuse me Queen, you dropped this: 👑. Your regal presence and commanding aura are truly befitting royalty. Like a queen who leads with grace and strength, you inspire those around you with your confidence and poise. Your actions and demeanor reflect the nobility of your character.
Excuse me Queen, you dropped this: 👑. Your regal presence and commanding aura are truly befitting royalty. Like a queen who leads with grace and strength, you inspire those around you with your confidence and poise. Your actions and demeanor reflect the nobility of your character.
How come your every post is so perfect! You have an uncanny ability to capture and share moments that resonate deeply with your audience. Your eye for aesthetics, coupled with your knack for storytelling, creates a feed that’s both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. Each post feels carefully curated, yet authentically you.
Your smile is enough to make anyone’s day. It’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, instantly lifting spirits and spreading warmth. Your genuine happiness is contagious, and it reminds everyone who sees it of the simple joys in life. Keep shining that radiant smile!
May all your dreams and desires come true. You deserve every happiness and success that life has to offer. Your hard work, passion, and kindness are truly admirable, and it’s only fitting that the universe rewards you with the fulfillment of your deepest aspirations. Keep dreaming big and reaching for the stars!
Your smile is enough to make anyone’s day. It’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, instantly lifting spirits and spreading warmth. Your genuine happiness is contagious, and it reminds everyone who sees it of the simple joys in life. Keep shining that radiant smile!
Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.
Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.
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Do you have a tip jar? Because you are serving! Your performance is absolutely stellar, worthy of the highest praise and recognition. Like a skilled server who anticipates every need and delivers flawlessly, you’re excelling in every aspect. Your talent and dedication are on full display, leaving everyone impressed.
Get the fire department on the phone…we have a hottie alert! Your stunning appearance is causing quite a stir! Your confidence and charisma are truly magnetic, drawing admiration from everyone around you. Like a blazing fire, your presence is impossible to ignore, lighting up the room with your undeniable charm and allure.
Excuse me Queen, you dropped this: 👑. Your regal presence and commanding aura are truly befitting royalty. Like a queen who leads with grace and strength, you inspire those around you with your confidence and poise. Your actions and demeanor reflect the nobility of your character.
Wow, what a masterpiece. This creation of yours is truly a work of art, showcasing your incredible talent and vision. Every detail is meticulously crafted, revealing the depth of your skill and creativity. It’s the kind of piece that captivates viewers, inviting them to explore its intricacies and marvel at its beauty.
Turning heads everywhere, I bet! Your striking presence and undeniable charisma make you the center of attention wherever you go. Like a Hollywood star on the red carpet, you exude confidence and style that naturally draws all eyes to you. Your ability to command a room is truly impressive.
Get the fire department on the phone…we have a hottie alert! Your stunning appearance is causing quite a stir! Your confidence and charisma are truly magnetic, drawing admiration from everyone around you. Like a blazing fire, your presence is impossible to ignore, lighting up the room with your undeniable charm and allure.